WLS Double Tap 055 – Krieger Clones

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This episode of We Like Shooting –  Double Tap is brought to you by Black Rhino Concealment, Custom, Rand CLP and Rubber Dummies.

Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 55, Where we answer your questions,  talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch,

Black Rhino Concealment 

veteran owned and operated company specializing in thermoforming Kydex firearm holsters. We have over 80 of the most popular open and concealed carry holsters in stock.

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#Tech news

Nerve Agents easy to import




#Dear WLS

Iowa Shop Teacher

If you were in the market for a long range bolt action rifle, that would it be and in what cartridge? The main purpose would be for deer and steel targets out to 1200 meters. Also, if you were to pick one under $2000 and one under $4000 what would they be? Thanks for the show, keep up the great work.

Mrs Frisby

I just finished the book Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nihm, they never explained if it was Justin who died, what are your thoughts?

Brian E

Wondering if any of the hosts have tried or are familiar with the alien gear shape shift 4.0 modular holster system? I know they are not sponsors but the system seems intersting and I like the theory for sure. Thanks in advance and thanks for the awesome and entertaining podcast. I look forward to listening every week and laugh my ass off every episode!

Will F

If you had to choose one optic to put on a 16” AR-15 it is the only optic and only rifle you were going to have what optic would it be? ACOG, low magnification variable power scope, red dot (Wich specific one), red dot and magnifier…

Every optic choice can have a 45 degree / back up irons.

Also, what sea animal would you be if you could be a sea animal.

Kyle S

Describe the last time you were in handcuffs? No lying, Shawn.

Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

# Not Guns
If a country was populated by clones of cast members what do you think that country would be like?”



Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255 or text a message to 741741

We’re here live every week on Monday and Weds. and on demand every damn day. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

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