WLS Double Tap 299 – Butterscotch Pudding


Welcome to Double Tap, Episode 299 

Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, MG Moses, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn herrin. 

Dear WLS 


Alex W:

I’ve been thinking a lot about government overreach. As was mentioned in the last episode I listened to when you had VSO on, I believe that, especially at the federal level, there is only one party. The “public servants” in federal office, are there for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering themselves. The drama and arguments we see are just posturing and games to get votes. It’s probably different at the state and local level but I firmly believe this is the case with the federal system. If, this is the case, what options do freedom-loving Americans have? It seems like we have no hope of truly effecting a change. People say to vote but it doesn’t matter who gets elected, it all stays the same. Are we simply doomed to watch our freedom erode until the great minecraft game is upon us?


Old Seabiscuit:

Looking to get into long range shooting. I’ve never done it before and would like to start cheap really cheap just to learn the basics and how to dial a scope and learn wind calls. My local range is 400 yards I figured once I figured that out I could upgrade to a real rifle and shoot 1000+. What caliber would you recommend I start out with just to cut my teeth? 308, 223, 243 etc. I do not reload so ammo pricing would be just whatever I can buy off the shelf.

Thanks for the great show.


Richard Cranium: 

At the closing of every show Shawn says ” join the gun cult, more perks coming soon”, my question is what are the new perks that will be added?


Joshua H: 

Yall had me worried about the psa gathering saying events open to the public are dangerous with people pointing guns in all directions and not safely handling them. But to my surprise I didn’t see a single mishap not saying it didn’t happen, I couldn’t see everyone at once. I was impressed with the safety and discipline that people had whenever handling the weapons. I have yet to miss a tgc panel now called gun con and I love it one of my favorite events, my wife and i have been going since the first one, but got to say the gathering was freaking awesome there is some special things the media get like most people shoot one gun per turn in line and the media get to pretty much shoot whatever when they want but i get it. They are there to advertise the new shit and it gets companies products out there so it’s ok. Now if gun con could turn into something like the gathering and what the gun con does it would be freaking amazing. Say like 500 tickets sold at 100 a pop media comes free and have a day of what the the gun con does with the panel and questions with the live stream and then the next day have a range day with the vendors and shooting lanes and all that. 1. Do you think that is possible and 2. Do the big channels ( MAC, IV8888, KY BALLISTICS, MR GNG, and so on) only come to media only shooting event’s because they want to feel special and are just using safety as an excuse. Seems a little backwards gun tubers want the public to support them and all that then refuse to go to an event that has live fire that their fans can go to also. Or is t they do not want to be out shot by their fans lol. I love seeing peoples face when I tell them I’m in a cult and I give them money and we have coolaid. Mine is out of date will that affect the drugs in it? #cultlife


Earl J: 

Dear WLS,

What is the cast’s experience with off body carry? I currently have a Vertx Commuter Sling 2.0 (https://tinyurl.com/VertxSling) and a rectangular steel level 3 plate with the antispalling coat(too cheap to buy the soft armor). However this is starting to look less professional the more I move up in this corporation also even though I work out it’s heavy as fuck with my work gear/loaded gun and 2 spare mags/ifak. I carry appendix everywhere else but work. I was thinking of a 2 slot briefcase and add an aluminum frame/square grid like they use in trucks to mount my carry and medical on. Looking forward to your feedback.





If you were given $1500 dollars right now, to blow on anything you want… What would you buy?


Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls




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