Double Tap 367 – Patton Pending

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Welcome to Double Tap, episode 367! your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, and me Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!



Brayn M: 

I have recently begun reevaluating my home defense strategy and your episode 562 seemed especially intriguing. I have always considered a handgun as the ideal self defense weapon, especially in the home. My 365XL has 12rnds of freedom in the magazine and is versatile for both carry and, god forbid, the extremely unlikely bump in the night. However, the recent discussion of scatterguns got me thinking. I have also been watching those charging attacker drills with bears and dogs that just seems to come at you like they’re going to flatten your front door like that bear did to John Candy in The Great Outdoors.

Am I safer getting a shot off from my 9mm (.35 cal) handgun (or maybe even dumping a whole 12 rnd magazine into the center mass of an intruder if I’m lucky) or a shot of 00 buckshot (12 .33caliber balls) from my Beretta 1301 tactical ? I could get 7 off if I dump it like my handgun, which would be 84 almost 9mm rounds at my intruder.

Let’s face it, we really are most likely facing a single intruder. Not like some guy looking to steal my TV or bang my wife is coming through the door with a bunch of his friends in body armor. This ain’t Hollywood but I do want to keep my family and our kids puppy safe.

All this thinking is really giving me a splitting headache!

Whichever you decide I should use for home defense, I’ll sell the other gun at my local gun show to an upstanding neighbor in need.

Hope you can help.



PS Distance from the top of my stairs to my front door is 7rds and standard 00 buckshot (1350fps) puts 12 pellets shoulder to shoulder at that distance for an idea of spread. I’m thinking of using flight control which is more like a 4” group at the same distance because lets face it, we aren’t looking for extremity woods to bypass body armor cuz this ain’t Bagdad.


Andrew D: 

A few episodes back there was the topic of “ride or die” rifles. The spotlight on this subject has sparked my interest and already has me spending money. But my question is in regard to the optics on said rifles. What optics would you consider to fill this roll on the rifles? Other than the most obvious answers being Aimpoint Eotech, trijicon what are your go to choices for this application whether it be a LVPO paired with a MRDS or a magnifier / red dot set up or a holographic sight.

  1. Aaron, your opinion doesn’t matter.

Thanks, look forward to hearing everyone’s responses….except Aaron’s


Ed B: 

I recently purchased and received a Mitchell Defense complete Shorty Doc upper chambered in 300 blk. (Thanks for the discount) I am piecing together a lower reciever from spare parts until I have enough funds to purchase a Mitchell Defense complete lower. I plan on shooting suppressed. Can you suggest a buffer weight and spring to install? Or will it be trial and error sinario? Can’t wait to get this thing running. Thanks


Dir. Of Uncommon Sense

I have been a long time listener and a first time watcher, and Oh my God I have so may questions. Why Is nick hiding? What is he hiding, why is he not visiable on camera? I thought Aaron we 400 lbs, is he one of those cat fish guys who’s face looks normal but the rest of his body is a blob? Also yeah he looks old. Shawn, I watch your reviews all the time, so nothing shocking about you. And finally Jeremy, what the hell is on your phone that keeps your attention so drawn? I think when you talk the reason you are always angry is because someone is asking you not to look at your phone. Also why are you such a cunt?


Dependable Don:

 Looking at 458 socom AR pistols. What are some parts you recommend for a 458 socom build? If it matters it’s getting a can


Duke of Crude: 

Hey fam,

So after catching up on some episodes about Aaron’s raccoon troubles; and talking with Jeremy about trying to mount a red dot to a J-frame revolver ; what are your opinions on a “farm carry gun”?

This would be used around the farm or camping for small nuisance animals or varmit,(let’s say size wise squirrel/snakes/turtles to bobcat/coyote/rabid dog) not putting a limit on price or caliber.

I’m interested to hear your ideas for carrying a different fire arm for smaller game or if you would just use your edc.

I find myself in this conundrum when I take my kids down to the local pond. Sometimes I take a 32 acp, sometimes I take a snub nose 44special with snake shot(neither are my edc). Snakes and loose dogs are biggest threats, so 9mm seems a bit overkill to me.

Appreciate the help and the laughs!

Duke of Crude


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Wrap up 


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